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[[ImageFichièr:Lionessnala.jpg|thumb|right|Una leona d'Africa que susvelha son territòri]]
En Africa, se ditz qu'un leon roars ''Hii inchi na ya nani? Ni yangu, yangu, yangu!'' (De qui es aqueste airal? Es mieu, mieu, mieu!). It is hard to listen to this ancient challenge without edging a little closer to the campfire. But what is behind that remarkable call? CertainlyPlan segur, tofins a somecèrt degreegra, totes los felins son de gats, everywheredins youquin look.endrech que Whensiá. youQuand seese onevei ofun dels the neighborhood tabbies stalkingcaçar aun esquiròl, es coma veire un tigre miniatura que stalking deer dins los meadowsparts ofde Rhanthambore.
==Superb Predators==
Los tigres e los leons son amongdemest nature'slos predadors mai grands de grandestla predatorsnatura. A grizzly bear maypòt beèsser largermai thangròs aqu'un Siberiantigre tigersiberian, butpasmens thelo tigerfelin ises muchfòrça quickermai rapid. Un lop maypòt aver auna betterpercepcion sensemai ofafinada smellde las odors qu'un jaguar, pasmenspr'aquò lo jaguar canpòt handle large preyde presas solet whilementre que per exemple los wolveslops huntcaçan inen packs. Cats have excellent night vision, sharp hearing and enormous physical strength. They sneak up on their prey; the camouflage patterns in their fur and their graceful, quiet movements fa que los felins son de plan mal notice.
There are cats for every job. Totes los continents franc d'Antarctica has its cat king. Africa es regentada pel leon, AsiaÀsia pel tigre (althougha mai se the Himalayas too high pels tigres has the snow leopard). En America del sud e del Centrecentre thelo monarchsobeiran isde certainlyl'airal thees sens cap de dobte lo jaguar. North L'America del nòrd es lo territòri de thedel puma. Australia hasten nopas bigcap catsde felin bèl, but it has many small cats that descend from tame cats but have since gone wild. LikeComa theirsos giantparents relativesgigants, these cats have become king predators even if they are much the same as the pet cats that you have met.
TheL'òrdre natural order ises carefully balanced. There are a few big predatorspredadors. Under them are more medium sized cats thatque eatmanjan mediumde sizedpresas preyde rangingtalha frommejana que van dempuèi los conilhs fins a rabbitslas toantelopas antelopese andlos deer. Finally, there are many small cats (including loose pet cats) that eat the far more numerous small preypresas coma los insèctes, rodents, lizards, e d'aucèls. Lo secrèt de their success is the concept of the '''niche''', a special job each cat holds that keeps it from competing amb los autres. A shopping mall with nothing but music stores would see a lot of fighting over customers. Like a shopping mall, a natural environment keeps order by having a varietat de plantas divèrsas, prey species, and hunters. The field mice that don't interest the tigre keep the wild cat happy, e lo guepard zooms after a small antelope e laissa lo buffalo pels leons, plan mai forçuts.
==MeatDe oncarn theal Menumenú==
Los felins caçan, qu'an besonh de carn per subreviure. AnimalsLos thatanimals eatque grassmanjan andd'èrba leaveso havede specialfuèlhas stomachsan thatd'estomacs particulars que allow bacteria time to break down complex plant sugars into the simpler sugars animals can digest. Cats have a very short digestive tract that quickly breaks down meatla andcarn absorbse itsabsorbís energyson andenergia e building materials. Cats cannot survive on a diet of grass, therefore they live from the meat they can get from other plant-eating animals. ThatAital ises howcossí thefonciona foodla chaincadena worksalimentària.
Los felins figuran dins las espècias mai intelligentas de nòstra planeta. They are ranked just behind primates (monkeys e apes), cetaceanslos cetacèus (balenas e dalfins), los elefants, los pòrcs e las fòcas. Los leons emplegan d'estrategias de grop per tackle large and dangerous prey. Totes los felins son plan curioses e sabon aprendre rapidament. Large predators need to be extra smart in order to be successful as hunters. Mother cats spend a longfòrça timetemps (entre una e doas annadas) aper ensenhar a sos offspring the many things theyque needlor tocal knowsaber per tal de subreviure. You may also consider this time of their vida as their school time, where aprenon a deal with the world they live in.
==Found Everywhere But Safe Nowhere==
Cats are native to all continents butmanca Australia ande AntarcticaAntartica. Unfortunately, many of these wonderful creatures face extinction or are critically endangered. Cats are often hunted for their fur or meat. They are also killed by people who want the animals that cats hunt all to themselves. Still, other people hunt cats for sport. Worse, the healthy environment that cats need to survive is not being treated with the respect it deserves.
Fortunately, more and more people now think of cats as companions to be admired rather than enemies to be destroyed. Learn more about these great cats and their remarkable world and share what you learn with your family and friends. After all, when we understand something, we can appreciate its value much better. Valuable things, including the marvelous cats, large and small, are worth protecting. To keep these superb predators in the world our children and grandchildren will live in, we must learn to make room for other living things to use Earth's limited resources.