Wikijunior/Lo mond dels felins/Zo, vèni veire los gats! : Diferéncia entre lei versions

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Capsot (discussion | contribucions)
Linha 16 :
CatsLos arefelins amongfiguran thedins las espècias mostmai intelligentintelligentas speciesde onnòstra Earthplaneta. They are ranked just behind primates (monkeys ande apes), cetaceans (whalesbalenas ande dolphinsdalfins), elephants,los pigselefants, andlos pòrcs e sealslas fòcas. Los Lionsleons useemplegan groupd'estrategias strategiesde togrop per tackle large and dangerous prey. Totes Alllos catsfelins areson veryplan curiouscurioses ande cansabon learnaprendre quicklyrapidament. Large predators need to be extra smart in order to be successful as hunters. Mother cats spend a long time (oneentre touna twoe yearsdoas annadas) teachinga theirensenhar a sos offspring the many things they need to know inper ordertal tode survivesubreviure. You may also consider this time of their lifevida as their school time, where theyaprenon learn how toa deal with the world they live in.
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